WHITINGA O TE RA <br> by Anita ‘NEAT’ Rademacher

by Anita ‘NEAT’ Rademacher

"This design was brought to life by one of my morning rituals of opening the doors to see the sunrise and bask in its light."

Neat is a born and raised local of The Bay of Islands. For her, art and design has always been a focal point of her life and she is now enjoying expressing this creative side of herself by paying homage to her home through cultural, flora, & fauna designs.

“I had this one-of-a-kind art teacher in high school who let me draw first then think later; we’d discuss things from refining techniques to the mundane of what we were eating for lunch, but found creative inspiration in any subject and discussion. I attribute much of my artistic progression to her.”

Most days Neat is found out in the Bay working as a deckhand, finding inspiration by being on and in the water, as well as listening to the calls of birdsong over the islands. She also volunteers for the Bay of Island Coast Guard responding to call outs.

Instagram: @144.media

email: ar.bayofislands@gmail.com

This design was brought to life by one of my morning rituals of opening the doors to see the sunrise and bask in its light. Representing this with a stylised Tukutuku motif, the outer pattern work depicts people of past & future running parallel to each other; connected but yet to ever meet. The inner pattern work represents the people of now, the flax for the land, as well as teeth of sharks for the seas. All of these bonded together through the sun.